Chess Strategies

1. Open a new war front if you are feeling overwhelmed from an agressive opponent. Usually, aggressive opponents are bad with defense.

2. Trade equal value pieces when you are surrounded. This reduces the attacking power of the aggressor.

3. If you have captured opponent's queen early in the game, trade equal value pieces to totally subdue their attacking power. Keeping your queen alive.

4. If a time comes where two of you are equal and you do not have a valuable move to play, then make a move to confuse the opponent and make them kill their time. (when you are playing time limited games)

5. Look out for the opportunities to create a misdirection.
I am Ankur Tiwari.

I help SaaS businesses with organic growth at Thoughtlytics.

👨💻 I enjoy working on growth strategies, writing well-researched content and coding in Python.

🎤 I am self-trained and experienced in speaking to the audience of hundreds of people.

🧑🏽💼 Previously, I've worked as a project manager in a large non-banking financial company, as an embedded systems engineer in a dev lab, and as the founder of BalconyOfJoy.

🎓 I am an Electronics Engineer and MBA (Finance).

🧠 I'm an INTJ.

🧘🏽 My wellness rituals include Kettlebells, Mugdars, Vipassana, and Hatha Yoga.

♞ Sometimes, I play Chess.

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